The Contemporary Art Gallery: Display, Power and Privilege David Carrier with Darren Jones Available here.
Author: David Carrier
Wild Art iBook
The Manhattan meal that inspired Wild Art
“A few years ago we, Pissarro and I, were dining at a small French restaurant, Boeuf a la Mode in Manhattan ….” Story here.
Wild Art Book Launch – London ICA
Wild Art Book Launch 8 October 2013 Wild Art Book Launch – London ICA £10 / £8 Concessions / £7 ICA Members / £5 ICA Student Members James Brett, founder of the Museum of Everything (London, Moscow and Venice), and street-art dealer and curator Stephen Lazarides join David Carrier and Joachim Pissarro… Continue reading Wild Art Book Launch – London ICA
Wild Art
WILD ART, published by Phaidon Press, is now available for pre-ordering. Click to pre-order or Click for Phaidon’s introduction A celebration of art from outside the established Art World. by David Carrier and Joachim Pissarro (website)
Art Criticism That Made A Difference
The Brooklyn Rail Art Criticism That Made A Difference
The Early Developmental Stage: A Dialogue with Author Karen Smith The Early Developmental Stage: A Dialogue on the Contemporary Chinese Art World with Author Karen Smith
The Contemporary Art Gallery
The Brooklyn Rail: Guest Art Editor “Artists, gallerists, curators, collectors, and critics—these are the essential components of a contemporary art world. Artists make the art that galleries display; this art is evaluated by critics and purchased by collectors or by curators for museums. Take any one of these components away, and our art world system… Continue reading The Contemporary Art Gallery
Lecture & Critique at the University of Louisville
This year’s Kant’s Anarchist Aesthetics Lecture is delivered by David Carrier on Thursday, March 28, 2013 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building. Following the lecture will be a critique of student work in Schneider Hall Room 17 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m Kant’s Anarchist Aesthetics
Visually Self-Evident: Al Held’s Alphabet Paintings at Cheim & Read Visually Self-Evident: Al Held’s Alphabet Paintings at Cheim & Read